Victoria Park Community Art Project

Bridgwater, Somerset

Sunday, 30 May 2010

The Big Paint - Part two 27/5/10

Julie spent the first part of the session with the new group explaining what had been done so far and what had to be done next on the panels. The first bit was to re-mask the panels and paint under the bits we had missed earlier (where the leaves cross over) and then working on the last panels.

When the first ones were dry we started to apply textures to some of the blades /leaves ready to finish this stage.

In between this the group worked on their individual canvases.

It's great to see the work beginning to come together. I particularly like the 3 panels that work together that will sit along the back wall of the cafe with the lights in between.

To finish off now, Julie and Lucy will do the last few bits of texture and work out the next stage, as a group we talked about a stencil design over the top of the grass/ leaves, which we need to think about some more, I think being away from the work for a little while will help us decide what is next... We are meeting next week, so I'll keep this updated with the progress! Do check back and have a look.

The Big Paint - Part one 27/5/10

The reinforcements arrive! Speed painting... we spent so long preparing and everyone got through the first stage so quickly!

We did have time to celebrate Sean's Birthday as well, including a bit of a sing song. Sally made this wonderful cake which everyone enjoyed... mmm. I am going to miss all the cake involved in this project!
When finished working on their bit of the panels the group had their individual canvases to work on. This meant we could work with smaller groups directly onto the wall pieces.

When the background layer had dried we got on with drawing the designs onto the rest of the panels

...and then in smaller groups painted them!

We also had Steve in filming the project to document what we were doing, a bit scary having to talk to the camera... I managed a few minutes but have no idea what I said! Many people contributed and hopefully we will get to see the results when its all been put together at the end of the year along with the other projects.

Preparation for the big paint 27/5/10

Julie and Lucy got in early this morning to begin preparing all the panels before the groups turned up. We had 3 hours to do as much as possible and sort out the logistics of the day... It was going to be a long one. We knew we had to do most of the panels today and had not even started painting them as yet! We had decided all of the first steps with the groups on Tuesday so it was just a case of executing them. We began by mixing up a pale blue for the background, along with a selection of 5 greens. These were to be our main colour palette both for the day and then the rest of the project.
We the started to paint some of the panels the background colour so we could leave them to dry ready for the designs to be drawn on.
We used the designs we made on Tuesday and cut them up to make templates to transfer to the panels, essentially these were stencils so we didn't have to start at the beginning again with the proportions, this saved a lot of time!

We then trasfered the designs onto some of the panels we had prepared earlier and masking taped the shapes on so we could sponge on the designs. Next we had a quick go at painting... we were keen to see how it all looked!

We managed to prepare two sets of panels and had the rest ready to do the backgrounds on in time for the first group, and not even midday yet!

Painting to Scale - developing ideas 25/5/10

The second group of the day, with a few keen volunteers who stayed for both groups!
We began this session by updating the group on what we had developed in the previous session and set to work on painting the 'to scale' design drawings. We mainly explored texture with this group and how we would use it in the pieces. From this and previous sessions we decided the background needed to be fairly simple with the design in the foreground. We opted for a light blue and on all the pieces, exploring either a matt consistent colour or a faded background. We also played with different textures on the grass/ leaves and the man made elements (brick etc).

At the end of session we evaluated the sessions work and made some decisions on what needed to happen next and what we needed to change on the final pieces. The solid light blue background worked best and needed to be much paler, almost off white. The grass and leaves need to be painted a solid colour with a sponge first and then texture added to some of the pieces, a little more selectively than we had done so far. We also came to the conclusion that this needed to happen first before we could make any decisions on manmade elements to the art work as well as creatures in the pieces.

Friday, 28 May 2010

Brainstorming ideas - putting it all together 25/5/10

We spent a large part of this afternoons session generating ideas and coming up with designs for the final wall panels for the cafe. We worked as a group and thought about the work we had done so far and created an ideas board. From that, everyone developed individual ideas as to what they would have in their 5 panels. We talked about the merits of all the ideas and then came up with a list of what all the panels needed and then what some of the panels would benefit from. We also came up with a colour palette. We felt all these ideas were important so we could take onboard everyones suggestions and truly be a community effort. From this we developed our ideas further and continued to discuss them. We spent a fair bit of time working out how we could tie all 5 panels together so they worked together in the cafe space.

Julie (Lead artist) and Lucy (project assistant) began consolidating the ideas from the group and drew up the design ideas to scale. This meant the next group could develop the ideas further and begin to realise these.

While Julie and Lucy did this the rest of the group began working on individual canvases. These will hopefully be used as part of an exhibition in Victoria Park Community Centre during Somerset art week, along with some of the progression art work from the project. This will also mean that everyone will have part of the project to take home with them.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Celebration event 16th June 3.30-4.30pm - Come Along!

A bit of advance notice...

Group B - 21/5/10, Session two

Similar to Wednesdays session we explored paint and what we could achieve with it. We are really starting to plan the content of the wall pieces and this is what we will focus on in the next sessions. Next week we have sessions on Tuesday 25th 12 - 3 and 3.30 - 6 and Thursday 27th also 12 - 3 and 3.30 - 6. Do come along and join in painting and designing the panels.

These examples show individuals in the groups ideas beginning to come together. There are some really inventive techniques used which will hopefully make their way to the final pieces.

These examples will be our source materials for the final pieces. They should give us ideas and techniques to use; This includes our collages, painted texture squares and photographs.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Group A Session two - 19/5/10

Nice to see lots of people back today for the second instalment. We played around with paint using sticks, brushes, sponges and combs to make marks. The aim was to experiment with lots of ideas and then begin to combine these to create some initial designs for the wall panels. Same again on Friday with the other group. We are sorting out dates for next week too, so we can make and finish the panels.... getting close!

Monday, 10 May 2010

Group B - 7/5/10, Session one

Much the same as Wednesdays session here, just with a different group of people. Numbers are looking up too, I'm glad the community is coming to take part, it will make all the difference to the project, more the merrier.

We took some photos around the community centre and also did some quick sketches of the things we could see. We then spent a fair bit of time creating some collage work based on these. I have included more images of this this time, so you can see the sort of thing people have been doing. As you can see it's pretty varied. Next we need to get thinking as to how these are going to turn into the final wall pieces for the cafe. That is the plan for me this week!

Also good news, the special board for the walls has arrived all the way from Poland. It's a sound absorbing board so will hopefully cut down some of the echo in the cafe space. Glad that we have got it in plenty of time, we can really start planning now.