Victoria Park Community Art Project

Bridgwater, Somerset

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Installing the art work

Spent the afternoon on Friday installing the art work. Nice to finally get it up on the walls and see what it looks like in the space.

After a change in tactics in installation, Keith and I had to come up with elaborate ways to keep the work up while it dried to the walls. Trays, wood offcuts, trolleys and weights seem to hold the key.

Keith was going back the next day to remove all the supports... so fingers crossed it has all stayed in place... I haven't heard other wise.
Celebration event on Wednesday, do come along and see the finished art work.


  1. Well done to all the intergenerational volunteers at Victoria Park Bridgwater, you have done a fantastic job and really made the cafe a more attractive and welcoming place for local people. You should all be really proud of yourselves! And a massive thanks to lead artist Julie Roberts for working exceptionally hard and surpassing SAW's expectations. Beccy Swaine, SAW Project Co-ordinator

  2. Julie
    What a fantastic project and the end results look really bright and cheerful i can't wait to see them.
