Victoria Park Community Art Project

Bridgwater, Somerset

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Finishing off the painting

Lucy and I spent the day finishing off the painting today. We started by finishing the leaves / grass... doing the bits we had missed and going over the bits that didn't work. That took much longer than we had expected. We had a good day though accompanied by some good music, plenty of tea, sunshine and surprise cakes.

Then it was time for a bit of planning, seen as the rest of the work is quite graphic with clean lines we had to continue in this fashion. We were planning to add flowers as we had discussed with the groups, some people even began to sketch ideas in the previous sessions. We used these and spent quite a bit of time getting the design right... Not as easy as it sounds, we must have drawn 30 attempts and eventually settled on one idea but to use it at different sizes over the pieces. We mixed 3 simple bright colours to lift the work and add colour.
Next was making stencils, it was a bit scary to start with, but so we got it right we worked onto paper first and cut these out laying them onto the large panels to get the sizes, colours and positions right. This worked really well and meant we didn't make any mistakes and got it right first time!

The almost finished panels...

After stepping back and evaluating we were pleased with the work, we felt it encompassed many of the groups ideas and will work in the space. We still had to add some creatures as requested by the group and Lucy worked hard to create a very simple stencil that would work on some of the panels...I like the ladybird and think younger visitors to the cafe will enjoy spotting them (4 to find)

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