Longer version 4:30 - http://www.youtube.com/user/websitesaw#p/a/u/1/_wlV8ZeVIQk
Short version 2:50 - http://www.youtube.com/user/websitesaw#p/a/u/0/4YDqwnOQoFg
Somerset Art Works (SAW) is a non-profit making organisation promoting the Visual Arts and creating opportunities for Visual Artists and Makers in Somerset through advocacy, promotion and development. SAW initiates and manages a range of events, projects and opportunities throughout the county and is a membership organisation for practicing artists.
Through the medium of visual arts we will deliver intergenerational workshops with users of the Victoria Park Community Centre to develop ideas, then create and install permanent art installations for the Café. These will add colour and character to the space, encourage a sense of ownership in the local community and help cut down the current level of sound reverberation. We will also develop a series of creative skills sharing workshops, to encourage people to share a wide range of creative making skills. Supported by a professional artist, it is hoped these will develop into ongoing workshop activities at the centre once the initial workshop programme is completed. It is hoped the project may be a way to start new activities and encourage greater use of the public spaces.
The Company of Voices
SAW has gained funding to develop this project through a new Somerset-wide intergenerational programme called ‘The Company of Voices’ .